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Слънчева енергия


Bulgaria MPs Ok 20% Renewable Energy Tax, Defy Protests

 Bulgaria's parliament has approved conclusively a highly controversial new tax on revenues of renewable energy producers amid a wave of protests against it. 

The proposal was supported Thursday morning by 116 MPs, 38 voted against and 28 abstained. 

The proposal to introduce a new 20% tax on the revenues of photovoltaic plants and wind farms through changes to the Renewable Energy Sources Act was submitted by Volen Siderov, leader of nationalist party Ataka, during the second-reading vote on Budget 2014 by the parliamentary committee on budget and finance.


 Уважаеми г-н Премиер,

На 16.01.2013 г. Вие се ангажирахте лично с подкрепа за бъдещото развитие на възобновяеми енергийни източници (ВЕИ) в България. Този факт бе адмириран от много българи, заради доказаната способност на ВЕИ да намаляват цената си и в бъдеще да свалят сметките за ток на потребителите. Разбира се, не липсваха и критици - редица експерти определиха изразената от Вас подкрепа като рекламен трик, който трябва да се разглежда в контекста на Референдума за развитие на ядрената енергетика.

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Solar Business in Iran in safe hands:

The EPC contractor Gräss Group and Solar & Benefit form strategic cooperation for 400 MW photovoltaic capacity

Recently in Iran alreday experienced Solar & Benefit International has announced the signing of an MoU on 400 MW photovoltaic project rights to the state grid operators and energy suppliers TAVANIR: Now the cooperation of Solar & Benefit with Gräss group from Germany, one of Europe leading EPC providers, offers best and at every stage secured investment opportunities in the highly lucrative solar business with Iran.

The worldwide represented Gräss Group now brings its comprehensive EPC expertise and 15 years' experience of 7.000 MW planned and developed solar power along with the valued quality components from reputable European suppliers in Iran. Based on Solar & Benefit and TAVANIR signed MoU of 400 MW photovoltaic rights there are clearly competitive advantages for which closes first.  


Legal and investment security - in addition to professional planning and implementation - in the current situation in Iran is the alpha and omega of every economic engagement. The Gräss Group and Solar & Benefit complement each other: On the one hand the MoU with Tavanir and proven cooperation of Solar & Benefit Persia with their local, exclusive partners with best contacts with public authorities and parastatal utilities. And now the joint project development with Gräss Group as globally well recognized EPC provider guarantees security and full service at the highest level in a total package, which also corresponds to both: the expectations of the official Iranian decision makers as optimal by inter- national investors. In addition, a state guarantee for the investment and the payment of electricity production by a letter of credit secure investors’ risk in accordance with international standards.  
For more information about the Iranian photovaltaic market and special offers of Gräss Group together with Solar & Benefit please contact Gräss Office in Germany at or Jürgen Michalzik of the assigned Agency JAMconsult in Frankfurt at