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Слънчева енергия


Bulgaria MPs Ok 20% Renewable Energy Tax, Defy Protests

 Bulgaria's parliament has approved conclusively a highly controversial new tax on revenues of renewable energy producers amid a wave of protests against it. 

The proposal was supported Thursday morning by 116 MPs, 38 voted against and 28 abstained. 

The proposal to introduce a new 20% tax on the revenues of photovoltaic plants and wind farms through changes to the Renewable Energy Sources Act was submitted by Volen Siderov, leader of nationalist party Ataka, during the second-reading vote on Budget 2014 by the parliamentary committee on budget and finance.


 Уважаеми г-н Премиер,

На 16.01.2013 г. Вие се ангажирахте лично с подкрепа за бъдещото развитие на възобновяеми енергийни източници (ВЕИ) в България. Този факт бе адмириран от много българи, заради доказаната способност на ВЕИ да намаляват цената си и в бъдеще да свалят сметките за ток на потребителите. Разбира се, не липсваха и критици - редица експерти определиха изразената от Вас подкрепа като рекламен трик, който трябва да се разглежда в контекста на Референдума за развитие на ядрената енергетика.

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The future market Iran has already begun:

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TAVANIR for 400 MW photovoltaic signed! 


While almost daily international business delegations are open in the future market of Iran and report on medium and long term good prospects - the years ago started private initiative of Solar & Benefit together with the state network operator and energy provider TAVANIR already can offer fully hedged and confirmed rights for the construction of photovoltaic solar parks with a total capacity of 400 MW – with 4 existing sub stations and the corresponding land. Not only these rights are guaranteed by the state, but also granted reimbursement over 20 years of 15.2 euro cents. 

Defying all concerns, Solar & Benefit maintained an office in Tehran long before the ratification of the nuclear agreement with Iranian partners – thanks to this early development work on state-integrated energy company and Iranian developers, Solar & Benefit with suitable partners can realize in a first stage photovoltaic project rights in the next few month with capacities up to 400 MW. With an average "sun yield" of 1.850 kilowatt hours per KW/p throughout Iran and a guaranteed fee of 15.2 cents, both return and payment are twice as high as in Germany.

So this project rights in Iran here today are the most lucrative investment in the photovoltaic field. Since with increasing installed capacity, the feed-in tariff will be adjusted as in all photovoltaic markets, this first project rights for photovoltaic solar parks in the Iran are the most profitable - they are in order of 10.0MW - 50.0MW. 

For more information and contact on these first and immediately realizable photovoltaic project rights in the Iranian market, please contact assigned agency JAMconsult in Frankfurt under mail address